
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Where is Your Road Leading?

Every road leads somewhere. That is the purpose of roads; to lead us to a destination. Even in God's economy there are roads, but only two and you are either traveling on one or the other, there is no in between.
One of the roads looks like the one for you! It's smooth with no bumps or ruts in it. It's nice and wide, so that many people can walk on it at once. There is no brush on the ground, no low hanging trees to make walking difficult. The scenery is beautiful. It's sunny and there are birds singing. In short every thing about that road is perfect and makes you want to go down that road. You can even tell that this road has been well traveled. But is it really for you?
The other road is very different from the first road. It's small, doesn't look like it's been used a whole lot. It looks dark, because of the low hanging trees. It looks bumpy with low dips and looks hard to travel on. The road is straight, you can see that, but still can't see that far ahead. Actually, you can't see that far ahead of the other road either, but since it's so beautiful, you don't need to. It looks great so you're sure that it will continue to be beautiful all along the way.
Both roads are not what they seem. If you chose the first road, (which we'll call the road of the world) you will be happy...for a time. Life will be great, you can do what you want when you want. Life will go smoothly…until you turn a corner in the road and all your happiness will be gone in a flash. You will suddenly be caught in quick sand with no way to get out. There you will start sinking down, deeper and deeper into that nasty muck, until you are completely destroyed. That beautiful road which looks so inviting, leads to a pit of destruction with no way out unless you cry out to the only One who can save you.
Choosing the other road is choosing life (which is why this road is called the road of abundant life). This road is not an easy road; you will have to give up stuff that you don't want to give up. You will have to do things that are hard and actually, impossible for you to do. But also on this road is peace and abundant life. On this road you have a friend who helps you over every bump, every rut. He will help in those places that are impossible for you to cross. And where does this road lead? Does it also lead into a pit of muck? Oh no, this road leads to wonderful place where you will be with God for eternity. A place where there is no pain, no tears, sin or death.
So…which road are you traveling on? Are you traveling on the road that is easy for a while and then ends in a pit? Or are you traveling on the road that is hard…but you have someone helping you all alone the way. The road that ends in a place that is perfect.
I have chosen the road of life, and if you are on the road of abundant life we are fellow travelers. We have the same Friend, the same purpose, the same goal. I am going to be sharing on this blog some of the places that my Friend Jesus Christ is taking me on this road of abundant life. I will be sharing the lessons that He is teaching me. Come along and see where God leads me on the Road Leading Closer to Him.


  1. Okay, sorry it took me so long to see your blog! You did a fantastic job!

  2. Nice Carissa, I like the title, that's the road I want to be on!

  3. wow... i really liked your blog. it's so true. if we chose the first road we're pretty much on our own. the world is all about feeding our own flesh and so everyone looks out for themselves. any "good" would be because God allowed it.

    the second road guarantees us an infallible friend who will be with us through every step of the way no matter what the terrain looks like.

    can't wait to read your future posts <3
